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CPCS Training - Construction Plant Competence Scheme

The CPCS training scheme aims to provide proof of the skills and abilities of plant operators.

As an accredited CPCS test centre we offer a wide range of construction plant courses.

Get a Red Trained Operator Card

To get this card you need to (in this order):

  1. Carry out any training necessary to bring you up to the standard required to enable you to pass the CPCS technical test.
  2. Pass the relevant CITB health, safety and environment test

Extend a Red Trained Operator Card

Learn how to extend your Red Trained Operator card for 12 months or 2 years.

You can follow one of two routes, depending on when your card expired. 1) For a 12 month VQ extension, you must:

  • Hold a CPCS Red Trained Operator card which is in date, or within 12 months from the expiry date
  • Be registered for a VQ relevant to the category
CPCS Competent Operator

Upgrade a Red Trained Operator Card

What steps you need to take to Upgrade your Red Trained Operator Card

To upgrade:

  • Hold a CPCS Red Trained Operator Card for the category which is within 12 months of expiry date
  • Pass the relevant CITB health, safety and environment test within the last two years

Renew your Competent Operator Card

Learn how to renew card within five years of expiry, or renew cards which expired over five ago.

Renewing a card within 5 years of expiry.

To renew you need to:

  • Hold a CPCS Blue Competent Operator Card for the category which is within five years of expiry date
  • Pass the relevant CITB health, safety and environment test within the last two years
  • Pass the CPCS Renewal test for each category held*
  • Demonstrated on-going practical operating experience through a choice of routes:
  • On-Site Assessment
  • Log book
  • CPCS Practical test
  • VQ
  • The renewal tests can be carried out at the same time as the Health, Safety & Environment test
  • You can take up to 5 categories of plant at one time for the same cost
  • Plant categories may be grouped
  • Go through the module Matcher for categories needed and fact sheets


Lamanva Training Centre, Lamanva, Penryn, Cornwall TR10 9BJ

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